... Continued
09/19/03 | I've added the ability (through a free service called ChangeDetection.com) to be notified via Email when this site is changed. When I make notifications to this page, you get an Email and you can see what changed. I recently updated all modules of code to include a LEGAL DISCLAIMER. Please take a moment to read it. It applies to all code downloaded from this site and by using it, you agree to abide by it. |
09/11/03 | With love we remember our fellow Americans who lost their lives September 11 to faceless cowards. Our hearts go out to those who lost loved ones that day. With reverence and respect we remember and honor those who gave their lives in service of their fellow man. We thank you. UNITED WE STAND!
08/25/03 | I've updated the "cEmail.vb", "cError.vb", and "cEventLog.vb" class modules to make them better. I've also added a new class module called "cOLEDB.vb". This class module makes it easy to access any OLE DB compliant data source with just the connection string. I'll soon come out with a "cSQL.vb" class that does the same thing, but is targeted specifically at SQL Server instead of OLE DB data sources (for speed). |
07/24/03 | Well they've finally done it! Microsoft has finally come out with their "New And Improved" version of Visual Studio .NET (version 1.1, or VS.NET 2003). I've got to give them credit... they've fixed A LOT of the things I had real problems with and that's reassuring. I've been working with VB.NET 1.1 a lot lately and have re-done the modules I previously did and posted on this site because they do not port directly over from version 1.0 to version 1.1. Note the following: - modApp.vb
was renamed to cApp.vb (because it really is a class) I've also added the following class modules: - cEmail.vb which allows you to easily
send Emails via a specified SMTP server Keep your eye on this site for further updates as I play around with VB.NET v1.1 more. Also, I'll soon be updating the "VB.NET BUGS" section to reflect the fixes in the new VS 1.1. |
05/19/03 | I've finished the relocation of both www.TheVBZone.com and net.thevbzone.com. If you notice that there are any broken links or if anything is out of place or missing, please let me know via my NEW Email address: vbz@thevbzone.com |
04/04/03 | I've the ".NET Framework Files" section. Microsoft LOVES to move their web pages and their file download locations all over their web site, so I have to updated their link location on my site from time to time. |
01/31/03 | I've updated this web site to make sure all ZIP download files are mirrored to another location where the files can be downloaded. This is due to the fact that many people could not download any ZIP files from my FTP space that my WONDERFUL ISP provides for me. My ISP has recently been bought out twice by two different companies and the newest one thought it would be a good idea to restrict the number of people that are allowed to anonymously download files from the FTP server. Gotta love that! |
01/19/03 | I've updated the "modBitmap.vb" module to accept "System.Drawing.Graphics" objects as well as "System.Windows.Forms.Control" objects. This allows you the freedom to render to memory based Graphics objects that were created from Bitmap or Image objects using the "FromImage" method. I've also added my first sample application called "ShowMe.vbproj". This application is a fully functional graphics viewing and manipulation utility that you are welcome to download, use, and distribute (so long as I get credit for it). I've put up full source code to it so you can see how I did it. This sample demonstrates such things as: Loading images (BMP, JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, EMF, WMF,
and ICO), You can download this sample application under the "VB.NET Projects" section. |
01/01/03 | HAPPY NEW YEAR !! |
11/30/02 | I've finished the "VB.NET BUGS" section of this page which outlines what I feel to be some pretty serious bugs. This page describes the bugs, what their impact is on you as a VB.NET developer, and (in some cases) work arounds for them. I've also fixed a couple of broken links I found on the site. I will add more code when I get the time. I've been very busy lately. |
9/09/02 | I updated the "modBitmap.vb" module to include the "RenderBitmapGrayscale" function (which I previously left out). I found a cool way of doing it and thought I'd include it. Here's something I'm very interested to find out how to do... "AutoRedraw" with VB.NET!! Anyone know how to do it? What's up with Microsoft taking that away?! Are we supposed to do our own redrawing every time we receive a PAINT Windows message?! |
10/03/02 | I finally got around to finishing up the site. I've put up 4 VB.NET modules to start with and more will come as I get time. My goal is to convert all of the modules and classes I've created for VB5 and VB6 that are located on TheVBZone.com into VB.NET modules and classes. The site's look and feel may change too over time as it develops... just as TheVBZone.com did. The advantage I have this time is I have something that's been around for a while to start with and I can improve on it as I go. Please be patient with this site as it kicks off. Your feedback is very welcome via the "VB.NET Discussion" area. The modules I've started out with are "modApp.vb" (which gives you access to all of the equivalent of the native "App" class within VB5 and VB6), "modBitmap.vb" (which uses VB.NET's native GDI+ interface to do what the Win32 GDI did for the old "modBitmap.bas" in VB5 and VB6), "modProgressBar.vb", and "modStdOle.vb" (which allows you to easily convert OLE Picture and Font objects to and from VB.NET "System.Drawing.Image" and "System.Drawing.Font" objects. These modules can be found under the "VB.NET Modules" section. |
9/04/02 | Well, it's official! "The VB Zone .net" is now up and running. This site will be just like "The VB Zone" but will be dedicated to VB.NET instead of VB 5.0 and VB 6.0. |